Ritter Gordon Selected as Featured Presenter at 2024 Privacy Law Scholars Conference
LGN associate Emma Ritter Gordon co-authored an article that was selected for the 2024 Privacy Law Scholars Conference on May 30-31. The article was one of 80 chosen out of more than 230 submissions.

The conference, hosted by the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., is the premier academic conference of privacy, law, and technology scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the world. It serves as an incubator for scholarship at the forefront of law and technology. Participants read the working papers before the conference, and each paper has a dedicated commentator to guide discussion and feedback on the topic.
Emma and her co-author conducted a hand-coded study of federal appellate decisions from 2021-2023 that cited TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez, 594 U.S. 413 (2021). The article uses the data to track trends in Article III standing decisions in the data-privacy space. The findings will provide a practical guide to data-privacy practitioners navigating standing challenges post-TransUnion, including by analyzing which circuits have proven most receptive to Article III standing arguments, and which causes of action have met the most success.
“Being part of PLSC as a young attorney was an honor. We received feedback on our article from leading scholars in the data-privacy field that will make our work more impactful for academics and practitioners alike. It was an incredible opportunity to be part of cutting-edge conversations!”
Emma Ritter Gordon
You can learn more and see the impressive list of participants by clicking the link below: