LGN Raises $28,845 for Neighborhood House March Food Drive

Neighborhood House

LGN is proud to announce that the firm raised $22,845 for the Neighborhood House March Food Drive. The firm has participated in this food drive for more than a decade, and this year we raised more money than ever before. We are proud to support the work that Neighborhood House does and proud of all members of the LGN Family for their generosity. You can learn more and donate on the Neighborhood House website at: https://neighborhoodhousemn.org/.

Above and Beyond Award Presented to LGN

Above and Beyond Award

Lockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP was honored to receive the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Above and Beyond Award last month. Minnesota ESGR Region 7 Co-Chair, John Kingrey, presented the award recognizing LGN’s support for National Guard and Reserve service members, including LGN attorney Major Catherine Peterson.

Limited numbers of this award are given to employers who have had at least one of their supervisors/managers recognized with a Patriot Award and who have signed an ESGR Statement of Support. LGN partners, Rebecca Peterson and Robert Shelquist, received Patriot Awards in 2023.

In presenting the Above and Beyond Award to the firm, Major Peterson acknowledged Senior Counsel, Maureen K. Berg, who led the firm’s efforts in shipping a generous care package to Peterson’s Army National Guard unit when it was deployed to the Southwest Border. Also pictured below are LGN partners, Richard Lockridge and Charles Nauen. You can read more about this high honor on the ESGR website by clicking below:

LGN Attends Humphrey Mondale Dinner

Several members of the LGN team attended the annual Humphrey-Mondale dinner recently. This dinner, named for former vice presidents Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, is one of the largest events for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.

This year’s dinner featured U.S. Senator Rev. Raphael Warnock. Elected Georgia’s first Black Senator in 2021, Reverend Warnock has carried his service and advocacy into the Senate, where he has championed and helped pass legislation to create good-paying jobs, address the maternal mortality crisis, expand and strengthen access to benefits for our nation’s veterans, and cap insulin costs for seniors on Medicare at $35 a month.

Charlie Nauen to Receive Justice David Lillehaug Award

Charlie Nauen

We are proud to announce that LGN partner, Charlie Nauen, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the American Constitution Society (ACS) Justice David Lillehaug Award for Distinguished Leadership.

The ACS Minneapolis-St. Paul Lawyer Chapter created this award several years ago to recognize a “leader in the local progressive legal community, who has helped advance a vision of the Constitution and law which enhances individual rights and liberties, genuine equality, access to justice, democracy, and the rule of law.”

The nomination statement for Charlie noted that he has “been one of the most dedicated and influential progressives over his long, storied career. Whether it is fighting to ensure our right to vote, or pursuing impact litigation when rights are at stake, he has been at the forefront of the progressive movement in our state. We owe him a great debt of gratitude for his lifetime of work.”

The ceremony for this award will take place on April 23, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. It will include a fireside chat with Charlie Nauen and Hon. David Lillehaug who is a former Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court. The event will take place at:

Lockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP
Mill City Room, Fourth Floor
100 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Lunch will be provided courtesy of Lockridge Grindal Nauen. CLE credit is pending.

Please RSVP by April 16. Congratulations, Charlie!

ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery, Law, and Technology Conference Invites LGN Partner to Speak

eDiscovery, Law and Technology Conference - Kate Baxter-Kauf

Earlier this month, LGN partner, Kate Baxter-Kauf, was invited to speak on two panels during the ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery, Law, and Technology Conference. The conference, held at the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, focuses on the practical and emerging issues affecting the practice of law in the digital age. Leading jurists, attorneys, and technologists discuss the latest cutting-edge issues in eDiscovery, information governance, privacy, security, and new forms of electronically stored information.

Kate was a featured speaker on a panel titled: Hold Everything (or at least what you should be!) – ESI Preservation 20 Years After Zubulake: New Rules, New Data, New Challenges. It was moderated by Mark Sidoti and along with Kate, featured panelists Elizabeth Carrera, Andrea D’Ambra, and Brian Morrison. She also spoke on a panel titled: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Privacy Laws in the Age of eDiscovery. It was moderated by Andrea D’Ambra, and Kate shared the stage with panelists John Pavolotsky, Robert Brownstone. You can read the full description of both panels here. Kate is a frequent speaker on eDiscovery, privacy, and best practices in complex litigation.

LGN Expands to Boston with New Office Opening

Boston Office

We are pleased to announce the opening of an office in Boston. The new office, located in downtown Boston at 265 Franklin Street, Suite 1702, Boston, MA 02110, will allow us to better serve existing and new clients in the area.

The lead attorney for LGN’s Boston office, Steve Teti, practices in the firm’s antitrust and e-discovery groups and brings an abundance of knowledge and expertise to the role. This expansion reaffirms our dedication to adapting to the changing demands of our firm, ensuring that we are adequately prepared to fulfill client requirements while experiencing growth in the region.

Boston Office Steve

Historic Court Decision Reached in Anderson v. Thrifty White

Anderson v. Thrifty White

In a historic decision, the Minnesota Court of Appeals held as a matter of law that when a pharmacist refuses to fill a prescription for emergency contraception, that is illegal sex discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

In this case, Anderson v. Thrifty White, Andrea Anderson sued Aitkin Pharmacy (formerly Thrifty White) under the Minnesota Human Rights Act after the lead pharmacist George Badeaux refused to accommodate her prescription request. She had received a valid prescription for Ella, an emergency contraceptive tablet, from her healthcare provider which Badeaux refused to fill, citing his beliefs.

Alongside co-counsel Jess Braverman and Christy Hall from Gender Justice, LGN partner Rachel Kitze Collins, supported by many LGN lawyers, paralegals, and staff, tried the case before an Aitkin jury and appealed the decision to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals entered judgment as a matter of law for Ms. Anderson, affirming our long-held belief that no reasonable jury could conclude other than that our client was discriminated against by the lead pharmacist. It is the first ruling in the United States to find sex discrimination in the context of a pharmacist’s refusal to fill a prescription for emergency contraception.

You can read more about the groundbreaking decision on Gender Justice’s website by clicking here: https://www.genderjustice.us/anderson-update-march-2024/

Generative AI Announced as New Practice Area at LGN

Generative AI

LGN is proud to announce a new Generative AI litigation practice area to address the legal complexities surrounding this groundbreaking technology.

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has quickly become a widely used technology. But the deployment of GenAI has led to issues concerning the compensation of creators, such as artists and authors, for the creative work that feeds the models powering GenAI. LGN is at the forefront of litigation on behalf of creators to seek fair compensation for the use of their work.

LGN’s Generative AI lawyers believe in responsible GenAI development and use, and strive to set a precedent for ethical practices within the legal framework of Generative AI. We recognize the need for a nuanced approach to Generative AI legal services and are dedicated to navigating the intricate legal landscape of Generative AI. We advocate for a diverse array of clients, including individual artists, writers, and corporations facing these emerging challenges. We help our clients navigate the intricacies of copyright law, entertainment law, antitrust law, and other areas of law implicated by the development and use of GenAI.

LGN’s GenAI team includes Brian Clark, Laura Matson, Arielle Wagner, Eura Chang, and Kate Baxter-Kauf. For more information on our current cases and to explore how LGN can assist you in the GenAI landscape, please visit our practice page by clicking below.

LGN Joins Neighborhood House for March Food Drive

Neighborhood House March Food Drive

In 2023, Minnesota witnessed a record-setting 7.5 million visits to food shelves – – shattering the record of 5.5 million visits set in 2022.  

To help alleviate food insecurity in our community, LGN is again raising funds for the March Food Drive organized by Neighborhood House, a St. Paul-based multi-service agency that has helped immigrant and refugee families since 1897.  LGN has supported its work for more than ten years.

Like other food shelves in the state, Neighborhood House’s food shelf is grappling with the daunting challenge of keeping up with the need. They are now serving over seventeen hundred unique families in a month—nearly double from this time last year.

Join us in helping support Neighborhood House and its mission to serve our community by donating at the link below.

Your generosity can alleviate the severity of this crisis and foster a community where no one is left hungry or forgotten.  Thank you for considering helping Neighborhood House with us.

Bar Talk Cover Story Written by LGN Associate

LGN associate, David Hahn, demonstrated his narrative skills on the front page of the Federal Bar Association’s publication, “Bar Talk,” this quarter. His article recapped a talkback session featuring Senior Judges Paul Magnuson and Ann Montgomery of the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota. From their thoughts on the transition to the Electronic Age to what advice they would give their younger selves, David captured the highlights from the lively discussion.

Bar Talk is the award-winning newsletter of the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association (FBA) that provides Chapter members with timely and valuable information. The FBA is the preeminent bar association serving federal practitioners, both private and public. The Minnesota Chapter is one of the Association’s largest chapters.

You can read the full article by clicking below and selecting the March 2024 issue.